“What new music should I listen to?” … here’s your answer!

Everyone is look for new music, artists and songs to fall in love with. The problem is finding them (though Spotify has made it easier to discover new artists based on your past song choices).    But since sharing is caring, and since I love these upcoming three artists, I couldn’t resist blogging some suggestions. The music style for the following musicians is relaxed and chill, the perfect playlist for working at a coffee shop. 

1. Matt Corby – ‘Resolution’

Matt Corby is already a big, big, big deal in Australia. He’s branching out around the world, though I believe he is no where near his potential. The aspect that drew me to his music is the raw element of it – both in the guitar and the vocals. His most popular song is ‘Brother,’ so if you like this one, you should also check out that one. LISTEN TO ‘BROTHER’. 

2. Yuna – ‘Decorate’

Yuna is a Malaysian singer/songwriter that has described herself as “a cross between Mary Poppins and Coldplay.” Her music is wonderfully cheerful as well as not being to hyper. Her most popular song is ‘Lullabies,’ so if you like this one you should also check out that one. LISTEN TO ‘LULLABIES.’ 

3. Zee Avi – ‘Concrete Wall’ 

Zee Avi is also a Malaysian singer/songwriter. (Makes me want want to travel to that part of the world just for the music!) She is also very playful, like Yuna, with different musical instruments, including the ukulele. The song above is my favourite one of her, but she has multiple albums, so if you like ‘Concrete Wall,’ you should check her out! (I do really like ‘Bag of Gold’ as well.)

Happy Listening!